bvbcSTUDENT Ministry
MISSION STATEMENT: bvbcSTUDENT Ministry exists to reach students for Jesus Christ and seek to grow students who follow Jesus with their lives by practicing the 5 Biblical Practices: Surrender, Sacrifice, Sustain, Share, and Shine, and serve others out of a passion for Him.
sunday school
bvbcSTUDENT Sunday School is tailored to help students navigate life and learn how to Follow Jesus. With dedicated student ministry
leaders, students explore their relationship with Jesus and how that can influence every decision they make!
Sunday School meets at 9:30am for both Middle School and High School.
trek and journery
For those students interested in continuing with the AWANA program through their Middle School and High School years, bvbcSTUDENTS offers Trek (Middle School) and Journey (High School). Bible memorizaion and other Bible study activities are lead by bvbcSTUDENT Ministry leaders.
Wednesday evening opportunity for our High School Students to spend time together in fellowsip and in God's Word.
student choir
bvbcSTUDENT Choir is for all Middle School and High School students
even if singing is not their favorite thing to do. There are no audition and nobody is ever put "on the spot" to sing alone. There’s more to student choir than just singing, come and learn what it means to be a worshiper through drama... signing... video production... ushering... serving... Every student can be involved in some way.
bvbcSTUDENT Choir practices Sunday nights 5-5:45pm.
the gathering
The bvbcSTUDENT Middle School Ministry desires to reach the sixth through eigth grade student and foster the devolopment of a Jesus follower. Aim Chaosan is our Pastor to Middle School Students.
Week long camp where students experience great teaching, great worship, small groups and plenty of activity.
bvbcSTUDENT Ministry event held each Spring with the purpose of discipleship and evangelism.