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precept bible study

Daniel, Parts 1 & 2

led by Jennifer Smith

tuesdays, January 12-May 24


ridgeview campus

childcare available with reservation


Daniel Part 1 - Living Out a Biblical Worldview - (Chapters 1-6) 

8 Lessons - January 12-March 8

Workbook - $18

Threatened with death, Daniel stuck to his guns and refused to adopt a pagan lifestyle. His worldview had God at the center and he lived it out even under extreme pressure to change. Learn to adopt a biblical worldview and adhere to it even when it's not the norm.


Daniel Part 2 - Gaining Understanding of the Time of the End - (Chapters 7-12) 

10 Lessons - March 22-May 24

Workbook - $28

Does the turmoil in our times, the uprisings and the spiritual decay of many have anything to do with the Book of Daniel? Daniel was a man who knew what God said about the end times. He focused on what God said, not the events of his own time. He had an impact on the people that God placed in his life.

How do you live as a Daniel in the crucial days in which you find yourself? How can you dare to be different? How do you get to know God Most High? The Book of Daniel has the answers.



Jeremiah, Part 2 - God's Word to His Prophets (Chapters 25-52)

(Part 1 is not a prerequisite)

led by Candy Abernathy

tuesdays, January 12- March 29

9a OR 630p

antioch campus

childcare available for AM session by reservation only

workbook:  $21 (ESV or NASB)


Before and during the Babylonian exile, the prophet Jeremiah warned God’s people to repent and return. Although the people rejected the prophets and continued to disobey the Word of the Lord, God didn’t reject His covenant. Study God’s judgment as well as His promises of hope and restoration – including a glimpse of the New Covenant.


Jeremiah will be followed in April with a short study of Titus.


Please register your attendance and childcare needs below.  You may also purchase your study material below.

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