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Women on Mission are followers of Jesus who have:

  • surrendered their lives to Jesus

  • sustain their walk with Jesus by the power that He provides

  • sacrifice time, abilities, and finances to follow Jesus by becoming aware and meeting the needs of people in our community and world

  • shine with the love of Jesus

  • share how and why Jesus is making a difference in their lives by getting involved in mission projects that help meet the many spiritual and physical needs of our community and world.


        Who:  Women of all ages who have a heart for ministry and missions

        What:  A 30 minute prayer time (optional) for the needs of the church body followed by a meeting that varies but includes fellowship & refreshments; signing cards of hope for the sick, homebound or bereaved of BVBC; mission related speakers and/or mission project opportunities including visitation to the BVBC homebound and residents of Grace Gardens Manor

         When:  Third Tuesday of the month, September-May

                                9:00 AM – Prayer

                                9:45 AM – Meeting

       Where:  BVBC Annex, Room A06 

       Projects:  Ongoing donations to Stilwell Baptist Caring Ministry and the Rose Brooks Center; occasional donations to Mission Adelante, City Union Mission, Johnson County Christmas Bureau and other related organizations; visitation to the homebound; plus additional projects as they become known


Child care is available during the AM meeting times.  Contact Delores Hanneman for more information.

women on mission (WOM)

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