Get Involved with the Student Ministry
If you have a desire to work with students in the bvbcSTUDENT Ministry, we would love to have you. We have service opportunities in Sunday School, Midweek, The Gathering, Student Choir, DNow and Centrifuge. Click the button below for the necessary paperwork.
Students who wish to be involved, be on the lookout for service opportunities to come.
bvbcSTUDENTS believes God loves us so much that he did something about it-he sent his son Jesus Christ to die on a cross. As disciples of God, we’re instructed to have that same attitude of love. The Bible says that if we love one another, all people will know that we’re Jesus followers.
The goal of bvbcSTUDENTS is for students to learn what it means to “be the church” and to put that love into action. And we believe there is no greater way to do that than by serving. Student and Adults are encouraged to find their place to be the hands and feet of Christ. Fill out one of the forms below to let us know you are ready to be one that has Beautiful Feet shares the Good news.