bvbcMEN's ministry opportunities
The men’s ministries of BVBC is committed to working together to meet the needs of men in the church, and in our community. We believe that men are the backbone of our families and church and our goal is to be faithful and diligent in doing the work that God has called us to do.
fantasy football
Think you know football?
Fall and Winter | Draft date TBA
Watch parties on Monday nights with groups of 8-10 guys (varies from once a week to once a month). Men ages 18 and up gather to share a meal and engage in friendly competition and a little smack talk. Locations are usually at poeples homes.
service opportunities
If you have a heart to serve and would like to be involved in a non-teaching role on a weekly basis, this is a great place for you!
If you have a warm heart, smile, handshake and love meeting people, become a part of this dynamic ministry.
precept bible study
Fall, Winter, Spring & Summer
(signups take place each semester)
Candy Abernathy
Annex | A05
2 Sessions every Tuesday AM/PM
This is an excelent opportunity for you to become ingrained in God's Word.
For men and women aged 18 and up.
There are some great resources that can help as you face the challenge of purity in a society where purity is not the norm. Check out the links below.