Vistiting us? Welcome!
A child learns more in the first five years of life than in any other five year span. Therefore, in our littleKIDS ministry we make every opportunity count! Whether it is through small groups in Sunday School, AWANA Cubbies, or having fun at Cookie Days in December, we seek to provide a God-honoring environment that is both safe and clean, with trained volunteers and age-appropriate curriculum designed to meet the needs of our preschoolers birth through Kindergarten.
If you’re visiting for the first time, you will need to stop by our greeter desk in the littleKIDS foyer to fill out a registration card to receive a check-in tag, security stickers and pager. This serves three main purposes:
Special Needs / Health Concerns - Any information that is vital for our teachers to know about your child, will appear under the child’s name on his security tag.
Child Pick-up – You must present your portion of the sticker before we release your child.
Pagers - are a great way to calm your concerns about us being able to reach you if we need to. Make sure you pick one up in your youngest child’s class room.