Aim Chaosan
Aim Chaosan serves as Minister to the Middle School students and their families at Blue Valley Baptist Church in Overland Park, Kansas. He was born and raised in Northern Thailand. Prior to living and serving in America, he served as worship leader at Baan Athitaan Church in Chiang Rai, Thailand, as well as a teacher and mentor at the Chiang Rai International Christian School.
Aim has one year of seminary to complete at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri, where he his pursuing a Masters in Christian Education.
Aim lives in Olathe, Kansas with his wife Beth, who is pursuing her Masters in Speech Pathology. They have two beautiful children whom God has already been greatly glorified through their young lives. Elias was born with a craniofacial disorder resulting in a cleft palate. He has fully recovered and hopes to become an airplane pilot who fights bad robots. Their daughter, Amina, was born at only 26 weeks gestation. She is now flourishing and growing with absolutely no complications. Her favorite thing is to laugh and smile.
Aim enjoys spending time with his family, playing soccer, strumming the guitar and watching Japanese animation.