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Sunday Night Discipleship Classes

beginning January 10



Antioch Campus

Be Wise:  A Study of First Corinthians

Taught by Hal Roller

"Be Wise" guides us through Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, where he encourages fellow believers to embrace a life of wisdom and truth.  Part of Dr. Warren Wiersbe's best selling commentary series.


Understanding Islam and Christianity:  Beliefs that Separtae Us and How to Talk About Them

Taught by Daivd Neely and Ryan Hudnall

Understanding Islam and Christianity provides believers with authoritative evidence from Scripture and history to intelligently approach conversations with Muslim friends and neighbors with assurance and confience.  Written by international apologist, Josh McDowell


Ridgeview Campus

Answer in Genesis

Taught by Tim Aranjo

An apologetics-based study of the foundational book of the Bible, utilizing Answers in Genesis curriculum.


Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage

Taught by Greg and Kathy Moore

Laugh and learn as we listen to hilarious and practical relationship advice from Mark Gungo, and explore the dynamics of marriage.

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